Bluegrass in La Roche, 2023

Dreams of Fairies

An original tune co-written and recorded by the two musicians of Grassy Strings. This song tries to catch the feelings of a dream, a dream of some strange new place where the fairies live. A place filled with mysteries, happiness, dance, music, tales, love and illusions.

This amazing track cover is done by the beautiful illustrator Manisha Ghosh.

Shady Grove

Checkout our version of Shady Grove

After Grassy Strings' performance the Ex. Executive Director of IBMA, Mr. Paul Schiminger come to meet Grassy Strings who was so happy to watch the show.

Happy to meet these three super talented and humble musicians called Damn Tall Buildings from the United States.

After the midnight jam session with Jake Howard and Ben Wright from the Henhouse Prowlers on the last day of the festival.

After jamming and talking with the great Tim O'Brien and Jane Fabricius at Bluegrass in La Roche.

Subhankar is the mandolinist in the band. Who has devoted his life to the mandolin since he started listening to bluegrass music. His mandolin breaks adds the sweetness and strong chops adds the charm in the sound of Grassy Strings playing. 

Souvik is the guitar player and the vocalist of Grassy Strings. He has been playing guitar for over a decade now. Souvik possesses a variety of techniques of bluegrass guitar playing. His playing and voice creates a distinct texture in the band's overall sound.